4130 Cass Ave. Detroit. MI.
September 7th – September 27th

Parisienne Elene Usdin transforms portraits photography with her imaginative and elaborately staged photographs that delve into cultural scenes and autobiographical references.

If you’re a blondie, then you’re a trophy wife ! As other rate woman on only her physical qualities, I slip into the shoes of famous men whose talent is proportional to their blondness. Only their appearance and hair identity interests me.
I fashioned recycled paper coats, create the setting, imitate their posture, exacerbate their features, and change my gender. I give them life, in a role-play, funny and carnivalesque, all in paper.

Since 2017, during several travels in America, I have created masks with recycled paper, yarn and rough materials found in situ. I use those masks for my models, captured in outdoor settings or apartment interiors.
During July 2018, I attended a summer art residency program in Oaxaca, Mexico. There for a month, I made masks inspired by traditional Mexican culture and shot them with people I met there.